Natural Laws in the Service of the Decision Maker: How to Use Science-Based Methodologies to See more Clearly further into the Future, 244 pages, Growth Dynamics, Lugano, 2013. [Paperback]
This is a How-to book concerning the application of natural laws in the world of business. The first part of the book, Theory and Practice, presents the theory behind the natural laws considered and illustrates how they can be applied in real-life situations. The second part, Methods and Tools,
demonstrates how to proceed in general with a customer engagement from the very beginning. Detail technical advice is given on how to fit S curves and how to employ the Volterra-Lotka equations using EXCEL. All along case studies illustrate the approach describing real engagements. For the science-friendly reader the Appendix includes rigorous mathematical formulations for the natural laws invoked in Part I and for the Excel-based curve-fitting procedures described in Part II. |
The reader will also find in here detailed instructions on how to use other offerings from Growth Dynamics such as, Where Are You on the Curve and What to Do about It, Competition Management, and Event Enhancement.
From the back cover:
In his groundbreaking book,
Predictions, Theodore Modis presented a fascinating new way to understand society and ourselves by applying fundamental scientific concepts to predicting social phenomena. In his book, Conquering
Uncertainty, he explained how his unique theories can be applied to business providing today's business people with tools for finding solutions to the challenges of today's ever-changing, unpredictable and volatile business environment. In this volume he goes into the practical and technical details on how consultants and science-friendly businesspersons who are willing to «get their hands dirty» can do that. He uses real-life examples, case studies, and detailed step-by-step procedures.
"Natural laws have always been the basis of my thinking. I was trained as a physicist and for many years I carried out research in particle-accelerator laboratories. Some of these laws have been guiding me ever since I left an academic career to work first as a management-science consultant and later as futurist and strategist. Fundamental concepts such things as equilibrium, competition, feedback, and survival of the fittest, are notions encountered in the marketplace daily. My first attempt to apply ideas from the natural sciences to the marketplace was to treat products like species, with the focus on the notion of life cycles, market penetration, and product substitution. This approach was extended to families of products, technologies, markets, and other growth processes governed by competition. It was then possible to shed light on the various stages of the growth cycle, and finally to understand intercompany competition and the strategies that will sustain growth."
A paperback copy costs US$29.95 (free surface shipping in the US). An electronic edition (PDF file) costs US$15 as an e-mail attachment.
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