a Conquering Uncertainty, Praise in the international press
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Conquering Uncertainty, Praise in the international press

Modis uses scientific theory to illuminate chronic business problems and seek new solutions by seeing the "big picture" in terms of "seasons" and "cycles" and make decisions based on the business "season." The Wall Street Journal

In Conquering Uncertainty, Theodore Modis, president of the international consulting firm Growth Dynamics, explains how companies go through "seasons," and uses this insight to present the first reliable way of insuring the vitality of organizations and careers. BusinessWeek

Modis's seasonal metaphor does permit a degree of predictability in even the most seemingly chaotic situations. … the most intriguing feature of Conquering Uncertainty, at least for the general reader, may be the author's many thought-provoking suggestions, such as whether Mozart died of "old age" at 35. The Futurist

The future is always "what it used to be." You simply need to know how to look to recognize it as such. … Theodore Modis's four-season metaphor to describe the business cycle can be interpreted for the present Asian situation. Chief Executive Asia

Modis … shows how to use cyclical swings from chaos to order and back to prepare for future events. Booklist

Modis introduces and substantiates with clarity and detail the notion that natural laws—those drawn from biology, mathematics and physics—readily apply to and explain social phenomena, economic trends, and business cycles. Well-written and documented, Conquering Uncertainty provides managers with an intuitive framework for understanding the unpredictability of their environment. The Academy of Management Executive

[Modis] presents a way for business people to analyze these cycles to allow them to make the right decisions at the appropriate time. The Dayton Daily News

Modis offers useful guidelines and insights for dealing with changes and problems and opportunities which accompany them…The reader will find Modis' use of S-curves revealing and stimulating. Technological Forecasting & Social Change

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