McGraw-Hill / September 1997 Announcement


BusinessWeek Books

Every week millions of people around the world read BusinessWeek—the most respected source of up-to-date and important business news, advice and information. The magazine consistently lives up to its motto, "Beyond News. Intelligence."

Keeping its readers up-to-speed and providing them with business intelligence are two of the keys to BusinessWeek's success. In keeping with this award-winning tradition, McGraw-Hill Trade is proud to announce the formation of a new imprint, BusinessWeek Books.

BusinessWeek Books will feature the newest, the best, the most progressive business intelligence, from around the world. From established thinkers of the business community, to up-and-coming leaders and controversial experts, the business world is certain to welcome this exciting new imprint as an important addition to current business publishing.

With the combined marketing strengths of BusinessWeek and McGraw-Hill Trade, BusinessWeek Books will come to be known as the leading provider of practical management intelligence to the business community.